I love the ending “and you’re welcome to sit in my garden” 🩷

Okay, I’m probably reading between the lines/pattern recognising here, so feel free to correct me —

Sadly the mainstream marketing is gross.

I suspect your “feed” has too many coach-marketing-biz gurus brainwashing and shaming, telling you what to do to make more money, when in fact they themselves are struggling to make money, telling people how to make money, learning from other “coaches” how to make money…! Pyramid scheme right there.

Click-funnelly-hornozi-marketing-bros-douches make my blood boil.

No wonder you feel like a commodity. And it’s a horrible feeling to have.

There is another way, though! I fell in love with the Luxury Strategy, which I studied during Covid for my own benefit initially—as I was launching a luxury business at the time— and never looked back.

And you are not far from it, the way you present yourself 🩷

If you think about it, luxury brands don’t sell you a product so much, but the history, craftsmanship (with its imperfections), and the service that comes with the product, usually in their beautiful home, where everyone is welcome (but only a few can afford to buy).

And what is a person (especially someone who offers service of the mind) , if not someone with a history, imperfections, nurturing their community, in their beautiful home (ie: substack)?

Luxury brands in fact, don’t try to sell at all. There are no hooks, nor gimmicks, no “extras”. No discounts, no tricks.

And I don’t want you to think about this at all, either.

But if you would take something from the luxury world, I recommend to hire a publicist. Then you will be disconnected enough from “marketing”, which will be interviews, speaking, etc, so you can continue being your beautiful creative self.

I suspect you will enjoy this more, as the way you explained this today, is exactly how I feel (with a touch of RSD on top).

But to be honest, I think you’re doing amazingly!

Delete/mute people on your insta who don’t serve you, better yet, delete the app, and stick to Substack (and maybe YouTube/TikTok as they are search engines)

Also, random: have you thought about offering retreats and occasional in-person things? 🩷 No peopling required after “class”, if you don’t want to!


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I also absolutely love The Calm Creative by Louise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhYshgxWC-I&list=PLm4hZgZcNXxvxPl5cntLcpgFR35zlFxoV&index=3&t=2s

She is not updating her substack anymore, but you can read her archive: https://louisestigell.substack.com/

Lastly, remember: any neurotypical marketing or business advice is not suitable for neurodivergent brains <3

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You've done it again. Articulating the feelings I have had for a few years but couldn't put words to, thank you!

I've avoided turning to social media marketing for any business related stuff because something about it just feels 'off' for me. I've wanted to create presentations/webinars/resources for the pure fact that I keep repeating myself to clients, all the background theory and the themes they bring, and it would just be nice to have a summary ready to go, that way they can learn about between sessions (in the way I'd present it to them in person) and we can spend our time together focusing on applying it to their unique life - but then there's this push or expectation to monetise such resources when that wasn't my goal at all. And then creating them feels kind of uncomfortable and so I just don't invest my time in creating it because it won't "make me money" and because "so many other people are already doing it" so who the hell am I and why even bother adding to immense pile of content that already exists. Even though that's not even close to the reason why I was going to create it in the first place...

Oh it's a strange world we live in these days. It's no wonder everyone feels a pull to move to the country and get back to basics.

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Oh Emma, the ending really choked me up, I have so much respect and admiration for you with your lone little apple tree and yes please, I would very much like to sit in your garden. I am really struggling with finding a comfortable balance while placing myself in this world; trying to build a business and make a living, whilst being true to myself and pushing my own comfort zone, but also feeling pulled and yes, influenced, by others, which sometimes helps give me courage and support, and sometimes makes me feel so much more alone and lost. I am part of a community which sadly feels like it's shifting from a nurturing safe space to a commodity and you are right, it is such a sad change to witness. I felt all of your words deeply, thank you for sharing them.

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